Hi, I'm Lithlad, a French & German tech hobbyist. I'm mostly interested in older analog devices, especially CRT televisions. That subject will be most of what I post about on here.
I also enjoy video games, especially fighting games. Of these I play a lot of Street Fighter III : Third Strike, where I main Ibuki. I have plans to post some stuff about that in the future as well.
As this site is still missing most of what I want to put on it, I haven't advertised it anywhere as of yet. If you still stumbled upon it however, feel free to wander on the pages that are already done. My TODO list is as follows, in approximate order of importance :
- Finish listing pages about all the CRTs I own that are worth mentionning.
- Write a guide explaining my personnal method for hooking up a consumer CRT to a windows PC.
- List other misc CRTs I own, for good measure.
- List other types of A/V equipment, such as amps, tape recorders, etc
- List some misc cool tech I own.
- Write about fighting games, specifically notes about matchups in third strike.